Sunday, April 30, 2023

Foto story of when things go wrong - the fail collection

This is our own "fail collection" when things go wrong...

As time passes on, we are sure we will add to this sooner or later. Even if one would want to see things as fails, they are still learnings on what not to do again, or what to improve on, so lets use this blog post as a "learning experience" :)

Vehicles and their temper tantrums:

Vehicles which just don't want to start up again. It just knew which part was the softest sandy spot to do it too...

Beekeeping and pants:

Feeling lucky that day, as this could have ended up, rather intereSTING!
Nothing a bit of sticky tape can't fix!

Totally being screwed!

Well, tires and having stuff getting stuck in them is probably going to be a recurring theme, lets see how we go.

Excavator fail - multiple!!!

We had rented an excavator for a few projects to be done in one go. Turned out the project took 3 weeks due to having the excavator break down 2x in the same rental.
First the rather old track ripped, followed by a leaky ram and the hydraulics showering down..


Kaptar lift trials gone wrong:

How to try to break your foot and break a few boxes in the process:

(the kaptar lifter once figured out works like a charm, this is the part where we were still figuring it out)

Kaptar lift arresting mechanism fail:


When you buy 3000+ plastic frame inserts for your future NUCs, have coated them with bees wax hour after hour, and 4-6 month later figure out they bend like bananas in multiple directions, literally proving them unusable... ouch...


Filling 2.20$ per liter petrol in the car and leaking fuel tanks.
What went in at the top, came right out at the bottom again...

Please let us know if this information had been useful on your journey to your first set of bee hives!

Feel free to browse to our complimentary Youtube channel which goes hand in hand with this blog.

Happy beekeeping,

The QuickWings Team

Our content is for informational purposes only and do not form a professional relationship. 
Please refer to the full disclaimer on Quickwings pty ltd’s website found here:

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