Saturday, October 21, 2023

Processing bees wax using solar solutions in Perth Western Australia

We had been playing around with multiple different tweaks and setups, follow us along and see what tends to work best for us.

Toolbox inside painted black:

We had one of the Bunnings tool boxes left over and played around to see if we could easily and passively be able to process burr-comb and other old brown comb without the need for electricity or utilizing gas. Basically doing it on the cheap and letting time do its thing rather than us needing the doing, basically every so often filling up those crates with comb and getting a nearly finished product without much doing. However running the unit with black paint on the inside this did not exactly perform very well in the Perth Western Australian winter going into spring time as we had hoped it may  (August-September, early October). Even said the weather was not great, we had hoped to get the box warm enough to sustain the bees wax melting point at around 62-64C Celsius long enough to get it to melt away.


Temperature data indicating that we where not even close of the 64 Celsius needed in spring in order to melt down the bees wax:

weather in those past few days:

Same Toolbox with silver lining / chrome spray:

We changed the setup from painting the inside with a chrom / silver spray to see if we can make a difference. Keep in mind the second test is being done in October, nearly 1 month later and getting closer to summer, which makes a massive difference on the suns position and solar radiation hitting the box. We just kicked this test off and showing below weather data and temperature data once available. But I have the feeling the silver lining will probably do way better, also having said the backing trays will nicely soak up all bounced back radiation.

Weather for the silver lining test:

Happy beekeeping,

The QuickWings Team

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